Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

I Don’t Want to Go


I’m not a doctor or nurse, but I don’t care. This is my story. When my mother passed, her last words were: “I can’t breathe. I don’t want to die. Please. I’m scared”. Then came a raspy, choke, scream gurgle thing. She was so pale. Her eyes were so big.

My mother’s passing was just four months after she was first diagnosed with Stage Four ovarian cancer. Before her final words, she was very in and out of consciousness for weeks. Her level of awareness and actions shifted drastically during that time. She thought I was an angel.

She threw a bowl of food at me. She told me, “Tell your brother..”. before she slipped into her last sleep before the last words thing. Yeah. Screw cancer. Story credit: Reddit / moarliekfyf

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