Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

We Shouldn’t Have Told Them


When my partner had cancer, most of his four daughters from a previous marriage somehow made my partner’s cancer about them. They made a few meals and brought them over, but their Facebook posts said they’d cooked 20 meals. Four weeks later, they came to visit during treatment in another town.

They made it as impossible as they could for me to see him. These daughters told him not to cry, because it upset them. When he went on palliative care, he didn’t want to tell them at first because he didn’t want them to visit him. After a week, he felt bad and asked me to tell them.

Of course, they all arrived, with partners and kids. They were upset they couldn’t stay with us—all 15 of them. They blamed me for keeping them away from their dad. They said: “We were there first and it’s our special time as a family.”

Their special time was to sit in the same room as him all day, talking and laughing between themselves, ignoring their dad and only waking him up during the day because they thought he wouldn’t sleep that night. An hour before he passed, my partner’s last words were heartbreaking.

He told me: “We should never have told them I was dying. It would’ve been so much easier without them here and I hate how they treat you.” And then, he dropped a real zinger: “By the way, three of them are not mine. My first wife had lots of affairs.” I wish they’d heard every word. Story credit: Reddit / Caconz74

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