Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

Her Affair With the Milkman


My mom was adopted. My grandparents never kept it a secret and they loved my mom like their own. When she was growing up, she tried to find out as much as she could about her and her adopted brother’s birth parents. Back in those days though, information like that wasn’t exactly the easiest to find.

My mom and uncle were brought to the orphanage with little to no information on each of their biological parents, or it was requested to be kept secret.

Eventually, my mom found enough information from notes she had gathered, like which families might have been most likely to be related to her, some property information that one can find at the library, etc. She sort of pieced this puzzle together about her life.

At a certain point, she was able to get the names of her mother and her brother’s mother. She was able to find out she was part of a big family, with lots of brothers and sisters. However, for my uncle, he found out that his mother had passed not long after placing him for adoption.

By the time she had gathered all of this information, my mom was married, had my older sister, and was pregnant with me. Somehow, she got a phone number. That phone number went to the house of her biological mother. She called, and the voice of a young boy answered.

My mom asked for the name she knew, and she heard, “Yeah, one second. Hey Mom, phones for you”. The woman and my mother spoke. It was a horrific conversation. This woman was not comfortable with my mom contacting her at all.

She didn’t ask my mom a lot of questions, but my mom said that she was just going to talk, and if she wanted to hang up at any point, she could. My mom gave her a short version of the story of her life, and then the conversation was over.

After that, my mom’s biological mother would send letters to her on occasion, but she made a point of telling my mom she could never be found out by the rest of her family.

This woman carried that secret with her until the day she was about to leave the earth. While on her last legs, one of her daughters asked her, “Will you tell us where you went when you went away that time”?

The woman finally confessed that she had gone to a home for unwed mothers all those years ago to have my mom, who was the child of her affair with the milkman. Story credit: Reddit / YogurtEspressoBean

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