Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

I Cherish Her Last Words


My grandmother’s last words to me were “I love you too”. She was in hospice very abruptly. Five days before, she had been up and walking around. But now, they put her in hospice that day and she went into a deep sleep. They didn’t think she would make it.

I was sitting next to her, looking at her and trying to etch into my head how beautiful she was so I could keep her memory with me for the rest of my life. It’s scary to think about and I truly hope that I never forget her. She was moving around and I was hoping she would hear me.

I told her that I loved her, and she opened her eyes for a second and said “I love you too”. I couldn’t take it. I walked out, cried, and went home. I never went back. I woke up two days later to my mom sobbing, saying she had passed and that it was time for us to go and say goodbye.

I cherish those last words more than I could ever express. Story credit: Reddit / Sick-Girl

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