Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

His Last Day


I worked with the elderly at a day center. A 90-something-year-old man who was very loved by everyone was going to use euthanasia—which was permitted in our country—that afternoon. All the nurses and social workers were pretty emotional on his last day.

It can be weird to talk to someone in the morning, knowing they will end their lives that afternoon. I went on a walk with him. I was pushing his wheelchair, and we just talked about life. In that one hour, he taught me so much about life.

He told all about his experience from WWII, how it affected him, and how he overcame it. He never told anyone, not even his wife, about everything that happened. He gave me so many life lessons that day, and I will always be thankful for that. Story credit: Reddit / xkieksterx

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