Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

A Tormented Mind


My partner’s grandfather never spoke about his WWII service. He joined after lying about his name and age, so we couldn’t find any records, but he would have been 16 years old. He was in the Pacific somewhere, and when he got back, his lie was exposed. 

Because he was 18 by then, he was drafted under his real name and promptly taken into custody. He was going to do anything he could not to get sent back to fight, so he got trashed and self-harmed. His adult life was mostly spent under the influence and being a terrible husband and father.

However, in his later years, he was able to do some good. Having grandkids softened him. In his last hours, he relived his time in the service.

He said, “Oh God, they are here. The Japanese are behind us, sir. Get him. Get him. Jab him. Help! Medic”! He also had a string of names he kept saying. He had such a tormented, broken mind. Story credit: Reddit / papahet

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