Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

The Rule of Threes


I work in oncology and in hospice care. If any of you have ever worked in the medical field, then you’ll know that passings often seem to happen in groups of three. I’m not even joking, it just always seems to be the case.

This one lady was going to be our second passing of the evening. I was sitting with her while her family took a break. She kept on looking at the corner chair where no one was sitting. I asked her what she was looking at and she said “Oh, it’s just Charlie! He’s waiting for me. We’re going to go together.”

She never said another word and passed shortly after. It may have seemed like a normal thing, because many people “see things” before they pass, but here’s the detail that unlocks it all: Charlie was patient number one who had passed earlier in the shift… Story credit: Reddit / Alyss003

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