Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

A Strange and Memorable Experience


Massage therapist here. It was my first final massage, although they are called different things in different places so I’m not sure everyone will know what that means. Regardless, my first time was with this little old lady that was known to speak her mind.

She was as sweet as they come, but would let you have it if she felt there was any reason to. I was giving her a massage with a soundtrack that imitated a cruise line, since going on cruises was her passion in life. She was breathing short, ragged breaths.

After a while, she simply passed on and I called for our house doctor to come and deal with the situation. Her pulse was checked and was found to be nonexistent. But what happened next shocked all of us.

About five minutes later, as the family was talking to us and dealing with her passing, she suddenly started breathing again, leaned up, and said: “Oh God, they’re so freaking happy up there!”

Before we even had a chance to react to this development, she passed all over again. It was definitely a strange and memorable experience. Story credit: Reddit / Aedamus

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