Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives



Around the time my grandfather was really declining, he started making strange remarks about a group of people who we were unfamiliar with. He was telling us a lot of battle stories, as well as the word “Kitchens” over and over.

He started talking about “Kitchens,” and we just thought it was ramblings and nonsense. After he passed we were cleaning out his house. While we did this, we came upon an old family book that was handwritten by his grandfather. Its contents stunned us. 

It was about the Denver bootleggers, focusing on a certain character who managed to run one of the bigger bootlegging operations in the area during the Prohibition era. Then, we came across some pictures in a box with a bunch of pins and a sash that was from the Masons.

The pictures all had my grandfather and his father posing with family members, as well as a random old guy dressed in what can only be described as a 1940s-era suit and hat that made him look like an old-school bandit.

We then found out that there was a house that my aunt used to go to when she was a very young child that was supposedly owned by that old man in the photos. When I did some scoping on the property, it did not have a registered number on the street it resided on.

Instead, it was registered as an address that was one block over. The house had no real address, and it was owned by a company that was run by some guy that my aunt and mom knew to be related to us in some way, shape, or form.

At this point, we believed that “Kitchens” was actually a pseudo name for someone my grandfather was associated with within the Masons.

This “Kitchens” fellow may be the man in the photos as well as even the inspiration for the main character in the handwritten book we found buried in the closet. Story credit: Reddit / T-Ball_S

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