Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

He Will Be Home Soon


My grandma suffered from dementia for many years before she passed. It got so bad she didn’t remember who any of her family were and would barricade herself in her home because she was scared of everyone.

She even forgot she smoked and would find her smokes months later after she would forget where they were and claim she was desperate for one.

The only memories she had left at the end were of her sister being able to play the piano beautifully and that her husband—her childhood sweetheart—was gone, but she didn’t know where. He had passed some time earlier. She spent her days waiting for him to come home from wherever he was.

She would say, “My John will be home soon”. Or someone would walk past the window, and she would do a  double-take and say, “Thought that was my John”. It was heartbreaking watching her deteriorate until she was near the end, unaware of anything or anyone.

I went to say my goodbyes to her in the hospital, and she held my hand and told me how much she loved me. But then she said how she was ready to go be with John now.

At that moment, she remembered who I was, what was happening to her, and that her husband, my grandad, was gone already. Not long after that, she closed her eyes forever. Story credit: Reddit / UTGPodcast

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