Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

Tell Her Not to Do It


This isn’t technically about last words per se, but very much related. One night, I was having a few quiet drinks with a friend and some of his friends that I didn’t really know. I ended up having a conversation with this girl who told me a pretty creepy story about something that had just happened to her recently.

It started off with her having a dream, but it turned into a living nightmare.  She had it the night before about her grandad, who had already passed about a year earlier. In the dream, her grandad was sitting on her bed, telling her to “Call Grandma and tell her not to do it. You must not let her do it!”

She had no idea what he was talking about. She woke up the next morning, dropped her boyfriend off at work, and then came home. She then dozed off back to sleep for a little bit. Two hours later, her mother phoned her to say that grandma had just hung herself.

The girl was on the verge of tears when she told me this, and it still gives me goosebumps to this day. Even while I’m writing this, I can hardly contain my emotions. Story credit: Reddit / versace_can_opener

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