Chilling Last Words That Changed People’s Lives

His Biggest Quirk


I’m not a doctor or nurse, and the person in question wasn’t exactly a patient. It was my elederly grandpa, who had been suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. We were getting him situated in bed and he had bad knees. We accidentally bent it wrong at one point and he obviously didn’t like the way it felt.

He angrily said, “IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN, I’LL PUNCH YOU IN THE NUTS!” I chuckled and let him go to bed. His blood pressure soon dropped and he passed peacefully in his sleep.

He was a hilarious guy overall and so it was fitting that his life came to an end with one of his most ridiculous sentences ever as his last words. Here are some other examples of cute and funny stuff he has said and done over the years.

Like I mentioned, he had Alzheimer’s disease, so one of his biggest quirks was saying extremely aggressive things without any awareness of who he was talking to or what the situation was. One day, I left my cell phone on the picnic table and he snagged it as a joke. But he then forgot that he had done so.

When I realized that it was missing, I was getting super pissed thinking that someone had swiped it. We decided to call it and see if we could hear it ringing. Naturally, we immediately heard it ringing from grandpa’s pocket.

He pulled it out of his pocket when it started to vibrate, and he couldn’t figure out what it was. That was when we all put two and two together and realized what had happened. It was a classic Grandpa moment, so I didn’t mind.

Another time, he asked me what I was going to school for. I told him I was studying nursing and he replied, “I knew you looked like a wimp!” Such an unnecessarily aggressive and non-sensical reply could only have come from this individual.

Also, he used to always do this joke before he started slipping where he would stir his coffee and then burn your arm with the spoon as a joke. Well, once he started to slip, he would forget that he had just done it.

So every three minutes or so while you sat next to him, he would sneakily burn your arm over and over again until you had red marks all the way up and down your entire arm. And he would chuckle each and every time he did it as if it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen and no one had seen it coming.

My brother ended up putting a spoon in his suit jacket at the funeral as we both laughed. Story credit: Reddit / GoodLuck

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