Chilling Real Confessions That Were Finally Revealed

Hidden Treasure


It’s my fault that pogs, cards, and other collectibles are forbidden in my old school. When I was eleven years old, I was the perfect kid. Smart, the best grades, and the teacher’s pet.

But I was an ugly, ‘masculine’ girl so I got bullied a lot. One day I decided I was done and went about finding my own sense of justice: I swiped more than three hundred pokemon pogs from the kid who bullied me.

I told a teacher I needed to go to the toilet to puke, then I sneaked inside of our class during recess, hid the large bag in the back of a cupboard, then walked out and played with some friends to have an alibi.

Each backpack was searched that day and we were collectively and individually interrogated before we went home.

I waited an entire month before retrieving the bag of pogs and slowly started selling the pogs to my classmates, including the guy who bullied me.

No one but me ever knew what happened to the bag. It was such a scandal in my school that more than ten years later, kids cannot bring them to school or they’ll get confiscated.

Story credit: Reddit / RedheadedRobin

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