Chilling Real Confessions That Were Finally Revealed

Left Behind


I was in high school and had problems talking to people. I was known as the shy kid. I found out my cousin went to the same school and saw that he was in the same boat.

He was a lot more social and a lot more funny but he didn’t click with people, just me. We became best friends and had a blast at lunch every day. One day a girl invited me to go eat sushi and I was stoked.

I had plans with my cousin, like a tradition you may say, and I did something that I regret to this day…I just bailed on him. I was like, “Yo, this really cute girl asked me to eat sushi with her.”

And although he was upset, he was like, “Cool, have fun”. Well, when it was time to go eat, I went with the girl and some people told her they were going to go eat at some other place and they only had room for one more in their car.

The girl without hesitating said “yes” and just got in and left me behind. I was scared to walk through the hallways as I was scared to run into my cousin.

I didn’t have the guts to tell him what just happened. I passed by the library and saw him there, sitting alone, passing time. Broke my heart that I left him. Never happening again. Bros before everything.

Story credit: Reddit / Zyrocks

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