Chilling Real Confessions That Were Finally Revealed

Massive House Fire

Wikimedia Commons / Harvest / CC 2.0

About a week before I graduated high school my family had a massive house fire. We lived out in the country and no one was home so, by the time anyone noticed the house was on fire it was way too far gone.

Thirty feet long flames above the roof. We lost everything else in the fire but had insurance and no one got hurt.

I was in a chemistry class at the time that had 70% of the grade centered around a lab notebook that was graded all at once at the end of the semester.

You would do labs every week, and then do lab write-ups in the notebook. I had been slacking off and was way behind on the assignment and would have had to pull a few all-nighters just to turn something in.

The day after the fire, I went into class and told my teacher a massive lie—that the notebook had gone up in the fire and that I had no idea how I would ever turn the assignment in.

He was extremely nice about it, told me not to worry, and gave me 100% on the whole assignment. He just said that I had bigger things to worry about and was about to graduate and that he hoped my family was doing ok.

Well, the notebook was in my car the entire time. I immediately threw it away and swore myself to secrecy.

Story credit: Reddit / Steid55

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