Chilling Real Confessions That Were Finally Revealed

Nature’s Way


When I was eight years old, we had pet mice. This one mouse got pregnant and she was starting to eat some of her babies. This upset me so much.

I rushed to tell my stepfather. I was so distraught and mad at the momma mouse. Why was she eating her young? What a bad mom! And my stepfather’s reaction? He made me exterminate the mom. Literally.

He put her in a sink full of water and literally dragged me in there, grabbed my hand, and forced me to hold this mouse underwater.

It was the most traumatizing moment of my life. I was struggling and crying the whole time to take my hand away. But that wasn’t even the worst part…He then took the rest of the baby mice that had lived and he fed them to this fish he had.

I’m not sure I remember the name. I think he called it an oscar fish, but maybe that was his name for it. I was so young. He was a very abusive and deranged guy.

My mom finally left him after he beat her within an inch of her life. I’ve never told anyone that story. I’m too ashamed. I know I was a kid and I’m clear that he forced me but it still doesn’t take the pain and shame away.

Story credit: Reddit / Saigai17

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