Chilling Real Confessions That Were Finally Revealed

Hungry on Christmas


During Christmas last year, my mother got completely wasted. She had already prepared a lot of food but there was still food being made. My mom and I only have each other so it was just me and her.

She had made a big thing of pork and asked if I would like to try it. I said yes, but she was so intoxicated that she couldn’t even cut a piece off.

I was just 17 at the time and had little experience with drinking, so I didn’t know how badly she was inebriated. Twenty minutes later she was trying to take the pork out of the oven and dropped it all on the floor.

All the oil spilled out to coat the kitchen floor as well. So as she tried to clumsily recover the pork, she slipped and hit her head on the floor.

She wasn’t knocked unconscious but she was dazed and confused. I had to clean up the food off the ground, clean the oil off my mother and carry her to bed.

I then spent the rest of the night cleaning the kitchen and driving around my town looking for a place to eat on Christmas. I didn’t find anything and had to go back home without eating anything.

Story credit: Reddit / Avacyn3301

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