Chilling Real Confessions That Were Finally Revealed

My Life Would Be So Different Now


I lost a baby at 24 weeks. She was a premature baby. She lived for four hours and twenty-one minutes. She was all planned and wanted but I’m glad she didn’t live because if she did, I might have to live a life alongside her father who used to beat me.

She would’ve been ten now. And I wonder if my life would be so much more different if she lived. And how hard my life would have been if the father stayed in my life too.

There was a major earthquake that occured, and at that time the initial impact of said earthquake thrust me in the air, making me land on my belly. I broke my water too soon at just shy of twenty-one weeks and a few weeks later I gave birth. Her passing is one of great pain to me. But now, I am thankful for it.

I’m a terrible person because I’m thankful. It’s not something I would admit to anyone I know in person. That’s my secret and dirty shame.

Story credit: Reddit / Evolves_Rapidly

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