Chilling Real Confessions That Were Finally Revealed

I Had No Idea


I only realized that people shower daily when I was 16. I just had no idea. I had a bath once maybe twice a week, and thought that was standard. It wasn’t until I went to a boarding school that I realized people would usually shower daily.

Thing is, I grew up in quite an isolated location in a foreign country with only my sister and alcoholic mom. My mom didn’t so much as clean the house or cook food, she just drank. My sister and I weren’t really clued up on what normal families did.

For as long as I remember, I cooked the stuff I could, washed my own clothes, if my mom was too wasted I would ride my bike (about five miles up steep hills) to school, and generally looked after myself. I didn’t know how often people changed bed sheets or brushed their teeth.

Simple things you’d usually learn from family went amiss. I didn’t even know how to wash dishes manually since we had a dishwasher.

It was a weirdly embarrassing moment learning how different I’d been living before boarding school. I learned how to open bottles with a pair of keys for my mom while she drove before I learned that you shouldn’t drink and drive.

I knew we grew up a bit different, but entering the normal world was a big eye-opener.

Story credit: Reddit / roodeeMental

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