Chilling Real Confessions That Were Finally Revealed

What Are You Going to Do About It?

Wikimedia Commons / Brandon Dilbeck / CC 3.0

When I was in 6th grade our math teacher had a contest where teams of two could spend a week guessing how many jelly beans were in this large container and whatever team got the closest would win all the jelly beans.

Kids would be up there trying to individually count the jelly beans before class and walking around it all day sizing it up.

Somehow the teacher let it slip that the amount was written on a piece of paper under the screw on the lid of the container. So I concocted a plan. I told this kid Nate that I would split my share of jelly beans with him if he did the following: When we were walking down to lunch, he had to tell the teacher he forgot his lunch box and run back to the classroom to get it.

While he was there he would open the container and see what the number was, then he would fill out a form with me and my partner’s name on it.

I told him it couldn’t be him because then the teacher would be suspicious of him being the one alone in the classroom. I also told him not to put the exact number because that would be fishy so it has to be off by just a few.

Needless to say, I won the jelly beans at the end of the week. When it came time to pay up with Nate, I gave him one handful of jelly beans and that was it.

He got really upset and said that wasn’t fair and I basically told him, “What are you going to do about it?” and ate 300 jelly beans over the course of the next 3 days. I promise I’m not as much of a jerk as I sound like in 6th grade. I just really like sugar.

I’ve only ever told my wife this story and I feel like she doesn’t trust me anymore after hearing it.

Story credit: Reddit / Tjc213037

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