Clever And Funny Ways People Have Ruined A Jerk’s Day

Next Customer


I was in a massive line at a store. I’m next in line, but the person in front of me has a bunch of stuff. A helpful clerk sees the mess and opens another aisle, saying, “I can help the next customer.” Well, that’s me. However, as I’m stepping over to her counter, this jerk from the very end of my line is sprinting to her counter, pushing people, with his partner in tow.

He arrives right before me. They have a mountain of items in their cart, which he starts throwing on the checkout counter immediately. I’m standing there on the other side with my one item, burning with rage. But the checkout girl got him good. She waits until he stacks all of his stuff on the counter, looks at me, looks at him, and says to him, “I’m sorry sir, you’ll have to go to the end of the line.”

This line is now massive. I put on my biggest grin, made eye contact with him as long as possible, and loudly told the clerk how awesome she was.

Story Credit: Reddit/IsaidMarkItEIGHT

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