You Have To Leave

I was out at the local watering hole with a group of girlfriends. The group became larger and larger with time. After a while, I got semi-separated from my fiancé. At this point, I was introduced to a guy, we’ll call him Bob. The introduction went like this… “Bob, this is Sarah, Sarah, Bob.” His reply chilled me to the bone.
He says, “Every Sarah I’ve ever met sucks.” Now, I don’t get bent out of shape without good reason, so I just brush it off as banter, or maybe a recent breakup with a Sarah, and say, “Hah, well, nice to meet you anyway, Bob” and shook his hand. But it didn’t end there. The rest of the night, he would go to the bar, walk back, and give me the stink eye.
For whatever reason, he didn’t like me. The feeling was becoming mutual, and I decided ignoring him would probably be best. He was certainly not in his right mindset…right? A few hours passed and I was sitting by his female friend, having fun talking and giggling. He then puts his elbows on the table in between us, staring at me like I had done him wrong.
I just kept on with our conversation and ignored him. He then puts his nasty face right next to mine and say, “So, do you suck?” My temper got the best of me. I yelled, “NO, and what is your problem exactly? I’ve been doing my best to ignore you. Get a clue.” He then actually chest bumped me and said “Do you wanna go?!?!”
I’m all for equal rights, but this was the first time an able-bodied adult male has asked me, a girl, if I wanted to throw down. But I knew what to do. I walk over a few steps to my fiancé, who is talking to a bouncer friend of ours, and said, “This guy says he wants to fight me.” The bouncer looks at him, gives a hand signal, and five bouncers surround him. He was “escorted” out of the bar.
Story Credit: Reddit/psychocentric