Put It On a Gift Card

The one I use at Coles when I do my shopping is:
Before you go in buy gift cards to the value you are expecting to spend. You will then receive FlyBuy points for that purchase. Then when you go through the checkout you will receive FlyBuy points again on your shopping as the payment method is not taken into consideration.
Doubling your FlyBuy points over the course of an entire year can mean you have saved up several hundred $$ by Christmas.
For an additional bonus, you can then cash your FlyBuy points in occasionally by turning them into Velocity points when they offer a 2 for 1 point exchange or whatever. When I used my Velocity points I bought 2 plane tickets for my daughter and my grandson for 1/4 of the price I would have paid booking them through traditional routes.
You can also claim Ps4’s Cinema tickets and the like from the Velocity store but that isn’t particularly great value, but if you have amassed the points for free, then I guess they are great value.
Story credit: Reddit / fuzzlor