We Eat Free

A few summers ago, I was working on a construction site near a McDonalds and we would go there semi-regularly for lunch. This was the same year that Mcdonalds started mobile ordering, and it started while we were working there. I figured the ability to order on site and then just drive over in the truck and pick up curbside would be convenient so I downloaded the app and gave it a shot.
Now, the owner of the local franchise is cheap and never participates in any promotional pricing. At the time he was abstaining from the 2 for $2 and 2 for $5 menus. Unfortunately for him, whoever set up the mobile ordering menu didn’t properly turn off the promotional items for this particular restaurant. Rather than removing them from the menu, they set the price to $0.
This meant that you could get mcdoubles, mcchickens, big mac, large fries, and QPC all for free, and get as many as you want. The only catch was that you couldn’t actually make a $0 order, the app wouldn’t allow it, so you had to buy a $1 drink or something. The whole crew ate for almost free for nearly a month before they noticed.
Story credit: Reddit / beerigation