Clever People Share Life’s Most Useful Loopholes

I Have Paid Enough Already


When I was in college, a parking sticker to park your car on campus was something like $250 a semester.

Senior year, we were sick of this, so I bought one, stuck it on my car, (it was front facing and stuck to the inside of your window facing out) and then we took a high resolution photo of it. We edited the photo on a laptop and sent it to a sticker making company. They printed a sheet of those for like 8 bucks. We got a couple pages of stickers and gave them out to our trusted friends.

As long as no one parked illegally or next to each other on campus, there was no reason parking police would notice we had the same parking number. Never got caught and saved a ton of money because we split the price of the original sticker.

10/10 would do it again. But you best believe I came out of that place with 45k in student loans, but that’s a separate issue.

Story credit: Reddit / Ticonderoga10-11

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