Keep Your Wits About You

The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that people must be tried for crimes in, and have a jury drawn from, the state and district in which the crime occurred.
Now, when it comes to Federal Court districts, generally that’s a non-issue; all states have at least one federal district, and the borders of that district are usually coterminous with the borders of the state.
However, for convenience, Yellowstone National Park, which is mostly in the state of Wyoming but spills over slightly into Idaho and Montana, was placed entirely within the Federal Court district of Wyoming. NBD, right? Wrong.
The tiny sliver of Idaho covered by Yellowstone (and therefore in the District of Wyoming) has no inhabitants whatsoever. Therefore, no federal jury could be chosen from there. Nevertheless, any federal crime committed in that area must be tried there, with a jury drawn from there. A jury from any other area of Wyoming or Idaho would be a violation of the Sixth Amendment.
Therefore you could technically get away with murder in this “Zone of Death,” because you could not be constitutionally convicted by due process of law.
Federal judges have said that as a practical matter the law would never allow such an outrage to stand, but do you really want to depend on that?
No one has shifted the district borders even though this lacuna in the law was discovered several years ago, so if you find yourself hiking with your worst enemy in a certain remote tract of Idaho, well… make sure you keep your wits about you.
Story credit: Reddit / Wrkncacnter112