Straight A’s

This is a good one. I found, and exploited, a loophole that let me get straight As without attending class at all.
So at my high school we had a packet system in place as a kind of safety net for failing students. If you failed a class, they’d let you do a packet to earn a better grade, with a final test at the end. Pretty simple, right? I discovered this by accident, when I saw another student working on a packet, and asked a few questions.
Turns out, the packets were easy. It was a safety net, after all. To a failing student, they’d pose a serious challenge, but to a clever kid like me who was always bored with the level of my classes, it was a breeze. I discovered I could finish an entire packet, with the essay at the end included, in under 2 hours.
And the packets were never graded. Your final grade depended on your score on the last test, which you could take any time. The test was an absolute joke. 20 questions, super straightforward, and you were actually allowed to use the packet for reference. Naturally getting a perfect score was easy.
Here’s the best part though. It wasn’t just a system to give you a credit, it actually replaced your failing grade on the records to an A. Indistinguishable from any other hardworking honor student.
I stopped attending classes that bored me, except for tests and review days. (I could learn the material quickly, so just the reviews were as valuable to me as an entire term of slow, boring learning speeds.) For two years, I only attended classes I enjoyed, like ceramics and creative writing, failed most of my classes, and then “fixed” the grades within a single week. Straight As, practically zero effort. Thanks to review days, I still had a solid grasp of each subject by the end. And my school never fixed the loophole.
Story credit: Reddit / LittleMissFirebright