It’s All Luck

There’s an arcade near me where games give out tickets and then you exchange the tickets for prizes. Most of the games give out between 5 and 30 tickets, because they’re based mostly on luck. But there’s one that gives out between 0 and 100 tickets, because it’s based on skill (supposedly).
The game works like this. There’s a giant oval with a light that travels around it. The light represents a skip rope. When the light gets to the bottom, you’re supposed to jump to avoid it. The longer you play, the faster it goes, until it’s literally too fast to avoid. Average win is 20 tickets or so.
I did it once and failed miserably, but then I wondered, “How does it know I jumped?” I look around and see no lasers, so I assume it’s a pressure plate on the game pad. I do some testing and that’s it.
Well, there’s no way for that pressure plate to distinguish between a “jump” and a “tap”. So I’d start up the game, kneel down, and just slap the pressure plate with my hand whenever the light got close. THAT is a lot easier to do than jumping. I was able to rack up a thousand tickets in no time and bought some baller stuff for my friend’s birthday. (We were there for her party).
Story credit: Reddit / shaidyn