Creepy Rural Stories That Will Make You Want to Sleep With the Lights On

The Silence is Terrifying


I’ve lived in the city for my entire life, so I thought it would be a fun idea to rent a cabin in the woods for a weekend to completely disconnect. The one I found was only accessible through a couple of backroads. I drove 45 minutes to an hour through the woods without seeing anyone.

Anyway, the first evening went great—I cooked myself a nice dinner, had a couple of drinks, etc. It was snowing heavily, so I poured myself another glass, wrapped myself in two thick blankets, and went outside on the deck to enjoy the views.

Let me tell you something…as someone who’s used to city noise, the silence of the deep woods is terrifying. I couldn’t see much except for trees, but it was as if the primal part of my brain switched on and ran on overdrive.

I’m not superstitious at all, but I felt like every cell in my body was screaming, “You’re being watched,” or “You might not be alone here, go back inside where you’re safe.” Of course, nothing happened, and after the first week, I enjoyed the quietness…but still.

You hear so many new sounds. I totally get why my ancestors believed in demons, banshees, wendigos…

Story credit: Reddit / ShredVonMoreGainz

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