Creepy Rural Stories That Will Make You Want to Sleep With the Lights On

No One Talked About it Afterwards


I grew up in the hills out in the country. We own a ton of land including a ridge and a large hill. One day, my cousins and I were deep in the woods and we walked upon an old, bloody white shirt hanging off a tree.

We thought it might have been someone’s hunting shirt because it almost looked like a rag, but we looked around some more and found a pair of shoes. Then we found a pair of socks, shorts, and underwear in an old freezer bag covered in mold and dirt.

It looked like petite women’s clothing. We got our uncles out there and they blew it off until they saw it. They left all of it untouched and told us to stay out of the woods for a while. No one really talked about it after. Looking back, that was extremely suspicious.

Story credit: Reddit / ambrosiadeux

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