Creepy Rural Stories That Will Make You Want to Sleep With the Lights On

Just Like a Horror Movie


A long time ago, I was heading home from a friend’s ranch-style house. I walked outside and it was close to midnight, but the moon was almost full so it was really bright. I was parked back in the sticks, so it took me a second to get there.

As I neared my truck, I heard a low growl and the beating of feet against the ground. It was loud, but not as loud as a horse or anything like that. It just kept getting louder and louder. I got a little freaked out, so I ran to my truck and fumbled for my keys.

Of course, they fell to the ground just like some horror movie. I bent over to grab them, and that’s when I saw something. It was about as tall as my waist and was around the end of my pick-up bed. I immediately knew it was a werewolf and that was it for me.

The beast slammed into me, knocking me to the ground and jacking up my elbow. Then, upon closer inspection, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was just a Great Dane. Her name was Cookie and apparently, she belonged to an elderly couple about 40 acres over.

Somehow, she had gotten over their fence that night. I ran in to grab my friend and we played with her for another hour before I headed home. Cookie became a staple around the ranch house and she would always wait for us when we pulled up.

Story credit: Reddit / 4stringsoffury

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