Creepy Rural Stories That Will Make You Want to Sleep With the Lights On

Nearly Kidnapped


I showed up at a friend’s house once, as I did almost every day after school, when I was 13 years old. I rode my bike everywhere. I usually left it by the side of her pool in her backyard, but as I was pulling up, she started waving at me from her front porch.

Her parents had gotten upset with us for leaving our bikes up there before, but neither of their cars was in the driveway, so I cruised up to her and we headed inside.

She immediately locked the door and called 9-1-1. She had been up in her room looking for me to arrive, as she usually did apparently, and she had spotted a man lurking behind their pool, very near where I usually dropped my bike.

I was almost kidnapped. The guy booked it when the local authorities arrived and they didn’t find him.

Story credit: Reddit / kellgee9three

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