Creepy Rural Stories That Will Make You Want to Sleep With the Lights On

Desert Nights


I used to live in the desert for a year. On nights when the moon wasn’t out or there were clouds blocking out the stars, it would be almost pitch black, and you wouldn’t be able to see more than 10 yards ahead.

One night, I was driving down the highway when suddenly, in my headlights, I saw a guy running on the side of the road, just full-on sprinting. I was going 70 mph, so I only saw him for a second or two, but I wondered…what the heck was he running from? 

I hoped he was okay because I was not about to pull over. About a minute later, I saw another guy in my headlights, only he was just walking. I could have sworn it was the same guy, so I got confused.

I didn’t see any cars on the side of the road that might’ve broken down, either. I just had an uncomfortable feeling the entire ride home.

Story credit: Reddit / santichrist

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