Creepy Rural Stories That Will Make You Want to Sleep With the Lights On

New Moon


I live out in the country. One night, I realized that I never got the mail that day, so I walked out to the road to get it. No moon was out that night so it was pitch black; it was just the sound of crickets and tree frogs.

As I was walking back up the driveway, I heard my husband whistling, and it sounded like he walked out the back door and was coming around the side of the house towards me.

I didn’t know why and I didn’t bother to ask. Instead, I just went up on the porch and back in through the front door. That’s when my husband CAME OUT OF THE BATHROOM.

I still get freaked out a little when I think about it. It was 100% a human whistling a tune outside our property.

Story credit: Reddit / twizzlerbreath

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