Creepy Rural Stories That Will Make You Want to Sleep With the Lights On

I Had Never Seen a Wolf Before


I got stalked by a lone wolf for a few months. Though it was never aggressive to me, it was big. I live on the southeast side of a lake in Northern Ontario and in the winter, when the lake freezes, wolves come across the lake from the northwest.

They usually arrive in packs and hunt the local wildlife; mostly rabbits I think, which are abundant. Well, one year, I guess one wolf didn’t make it back across the lake before it melted (we had an early spring thaw) and he was around for the summer.

There are no street lights on my road and my friend lives about a kilometer up the road from me. After work, we’d hang out at his place and I’d just walk home after. For weeks, I felt like I was being followed, and one night, I turned around out of instinct and got a quick glimpse of yellow eyes.

At that point, I had never seen a wolf before, at least in the summer. I borrowed a trail cam off of an MNR guy we did service work for and put it on the road not far from my buddy’s place. After a few days, I picked it up, and sure enough, there was a big timber wolf following behind me. 

It really freaked me out, but I had the solace of knowing that if it wanted to attack me, it probably would have already. After that, I started driving to and from my buddy’s place instead of walking…except for one night, when I had far more than my usual two drinks after work.

I said “screw it” and grabbed a flashlight out of my truck so I could walk back home instead of drive. There was a 3/4 moon behind me coming through the trees, and it was bright enough for me to see without my flashlight.

Halfway through my journey, I suddenly saw his eyes get lit up by the moon behind me. It had been walking on the opposite side of the road, moving in the same direction.

I don’t know what the heck made me say it, but I just blurted out a “Yo” as we saw each other and the wolf just grunted and carried on. Every year since then, there have been a lot fewer rabbits in our area.

I’m guessing the wolf cleared out a lot of the population that summer.

Story credit: Reddit / Man_Bear_Beaver

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