Creepy Rural Stories That Will Make You Want to Sleep With the Lights On

The House Goblin


People from ex-USSR countries believe that a house goblin lives in every house. There is even a cartoon about it. It can either like you or hate you depending on how you treat it.

Obviously, a lot of people do not believe in them, but others, like my mom, leave some treats for them—milk, cookies, that sort of thing. Now, my mom is a strong believer because of some weird experiences she’s had in the past.

When I was a toddler (in the late 80s), she put me to bed and came into the living room. There were fruits scattered all across the apartment—grapes on the TV, peaches on the sofa, an apple on the floor, etc.

It was only me and her in the apartment, so she thinks a house goblin took the fruits from their original spot in the kitchen and put them out in different spots.

Another time, she came into the kitchen to find the stove glass in pieces. But it wasn’t all over the place—it was shattered into tiny pieces and swept into a very neat pile. Again, there was no one but myself and my mom in the apartment, and I was only two years old.

There were other stories since then, but in any case, she now tries to befriend the house goblin every time we move.

Story credit: Reddit / Gemballo

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