Creepy Rural Stories That Will Make You Want to Sleep With the Lights On

No Logical Explanation

Wikimedia Commons / Richie Diesterheft / CC 2.0

My wife and I met in a small, rural town on Lake Superior. When we were ready to move in together, we purchased a remote cabin about 40 minutes out of town. It was incredibly idyllic and peaceful for the two years that we lived there. Eventually, though, we decided it was time to move closer to family.

We had packed all of our items except for two mason jars that we had used for celebratory glasses on our last night. When we woke up the next morning, both glasses were destroyed.

It did not look like the glasses just fell off the table, either—there were pieces of glass everywhere, even in other rooms and on the window sills. Some pieces of glass were also ground into a fine powder.

I cannot think of a logical explanation for what happened. Whatever caused the mess should have woken us up. I still think about that incident years later.

Story credit: Reddit / randomhistoryteacher

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