Creepy Rural Stories That Will Make You Want to Sleep With the Lights On

Like a Scene From a Movie


I live in the countryside in the UK, so I am as far away from any city or town as you can get. It’s all very flat farmland where I live. I go for a lot of walks through all the fields. Last summer, I went three miles out of my house. It was super hot that day, around 33 degrees Celsius. 

I was walking past this one field that was full of crops ready to harvest. I had no idea what kind of crop it was, but it was about waist high, bright yellow, and it looked amazing, so I stopped and got out my phone to take some pictures.

I stood there for about five minutes messing around, trying to get some cool pics and videos for Instagram. Then I carried on walking. I had no idea at the time that something was very wrong.

About 30 seconds later, I looked back across the field and saw what looked like a person dressed in black, standing in the middle of this field of yellow. At first, I thought it was a scarecrow that I just didn’t notice when taking those pictures.

I thought maybe it had blended in with the trees in the distance behind this field. I got my phone out and was looking through the pictures, zooming in and trying to see if I could see this scarecrow in the photos. And of course, I couldn’t.

I kept walking adjacent to the field and when I glanced over, the figure I thought was a scarecrow also started walking. At that point, I realized it was a real, live person…

…A person dressed in all black on this really hot summer’s day. The person started walking towards the spot I had originally stopped at to take pictures, then he or she just stood there. I kept walking until I was far away enough that I couldn’t see the creep anymore.

It just freaked me out, as there was no reason for someone to be walking through that field. Only the farmers ever did this, as it was full of crops.

Part of me thinks this person had to have been laying down in this field while I was taking the pictures, as there was no way they got to the middle of the field in the 30 seconds that I looked away. I don’t know, it was just a weird thing to see. 

I’ve never seen a single person just randomly walking through a farmer’s field before or since then. It just felt like a scene from Jeepers Creepers.

Story credit: Reddit / StunningMatter

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