Creepy Rural Stories That Will Make You Want to Sleep With the Lights On

An Array of Animals


My uncle used to live way out in the country on a plot of land. He said it was a little less than eight acres. His closest neighbors weren’t terribly far away, but they were still far enough that walking wasn’t a very viable method of getting to them.

Anyway, I spent my eighth-grade summer there, and he had one story that scared the heck out of me back then.

He had an array of animals on the farm—three hunting dogs, some pigeons, dozens of chickens, a few goats, and a lone horse—and every night, he would make his rounds through his farm just to make sure they were where they were supposed to be.

One night, as he was walking back to his house, strange things began happening. First, his dogs started going wild. He initially didn’t care and continued on his way, but his dogs just kept relentlessly barking. He waved his flashlight around and didn’t see anything. 

He got to the back door of his house and his dogs were still barking, so he turned around one last time to do a quick survey. Way out in his fields, he saw what looked like a moving shadow. He automatically assumed it was a coyote or some other wild animal and just went back inside.

The next night, as he went out to make his rounds, he said he spotted the shadowy figure again, just a little distance away from his barn. Again, his initial thought was that it was a coyote trying to get his chickens. However, as he took a few steps toward it, he nearly screamed. 

The figure suddenly stood up, almost human-like, and ran into the field, covered in darkness. He said he was so startled that he just froze for a moment before yelling out, “Hey!” He didn’t chase after it, but for about a week after, his dogs would go ballistic at night. 

When he was telling me the story, he said that it could have just been a transient but I don’t know about that. The dude lived in the middle of nowhere, so it seemed incredibly bizarre for some random homeless person to even be in that area.

Story credit: Reddit / ObiMemeKenobi

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