Creepy Rural Stories That Will Make You Want to Sleep With the Lights On

Lesson Learned


I went to northern Wisconsin with my family as a kid. While there, I went on a little hike with my brother and dad, just sort of going through some woods. Somehow, we ended up on someone’s property, and the dude who lived there saw us.

He came up with his kid and asked, “Uh, whatcha doing on my property?” My dad just apologized and said we were hiking and that he shouldn’t have been so careless. We went back into the forest quickly, and while the encounter was odd, I didn’t think it felt tense or anything. 

Well, I soon found out how wrong I was. The dude we encountered was apparently not satisfied with our apology. Later on, he actually hired some goon to track us back to our cabin.

About five minutes after we got back and started to make lunch, the goon literally waltzed inside the cabin and began to talk about how we were caught trespassing.

It was so jarring having some camo-wearing stranger barge into my grandparents’ house. Still, my grandma knew just what to do. This jerk didn’t have a lot of time to say much because our grandparents owned a few rifles…and sure enough, grandma pulled one on him.

Yep, our grandma held this guy up while apologizing to him once again for the prior instance of trespassing. Then she started to yell at him for following us, trespassing on our property, and coming inside uninvited. He left instantly after that. It was a really weird encounter.

I’ve talked to my dad and brother about it on occasion, so it wasn’t just a dream or my imagination. Either way, don’t trespass. That’s the lesson I learned. Oh, and don’t mess with my grandma.

Story credit: Reddit / ScalabrineIsGod

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