Cringe-Worthy and Embarrassing Wedding Stories That Will Make You Glad to Be Single

Unpleasantly Surprised


Hands down the worst wedding I’ve ever been to was that of my 20 years older step cousin who married a girl from the grade above me in high school that I vaguely knew but wasn’t friends with. The reception was in the basement of a bowling alley. The pastor went on a ten minute sermon in the middle of the wedding ceremony about DIVORCE. This was doubly awkward because there were 9 parents present due to multiple parental divorces on both sides.

They forwent a receiving line after the ceremony and promised to have one at the beginning of the reception. They were over a half hour late to their own reception. The receiving line never happened and they never visited with their guests. The entire bridal party showed up at the reception absolutely trashed. Most of the guests were over the age of 45. So of course they proceeded to play hardcore rock at painful volume that prevented all conversation.

The best (worst) part was the wedding cake was cheesecake with frosting on it. It was cut in such a way that it looked like normal cake, everyone was unpleasantly surprised when they took their first bite. It was not good cheesecake. Most people bailed about two and a half hours into the reception–right after the cake was served.

Story credit: Reddit / Zukazuk

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