Cringe-Worthy and Embarrassing Wedding Stories That Will Make You Glad to Be Single

I’ve Never Been So Uncomfortable


My cousin’s wedding was in October in the north of the U.S. It was an outdoor wedding and it was about 35 degrees and windy. Bridesmaids weren’t “allowed” to wear jackets, and the groomsmen were only in vests and dress shirts, so everyone was freezing. Having planned the wedding in the summer, the programs were printed on fans. There were no microphones, so no one could hear the service over the wind. Oh well.

The reception was super nice, and was clearly very well planned out by the bride, with cool centerpieces, handmade favors, nice food, all that. The problem was that the bride (not my cousin) was such a stereotypical “bridezilla” the previous months that no one wanted to be there (for instance, the previous 2 weeks she uninvited her sisters and parents two or three times and them re-invited them).

After dinner the dancing starts. Within 15 minutes, literally the brides entire family leaves. My wife and I are two of maybe 6 people dancing. We take a break, and the DJ comes over and asks us what we want to hear, and begs us to keep dancing. After an hour, there’s only about 30 people still around. Of 200 guests.

The bride spends the next 20 minutes dancing alone, as my cousin doesn’t dance. Finally, she approaches the DJ, gesturing slicing her throat, and the reception abruptly ends. Only 8 people are left. All from the groom’s family.

I’ve been to “worse” weddings, but this was the worst experience because everything was so nice looking and set up to be a blast. I’ve never felt so uncomfortable.

Story credit: Reddit / gpace1216

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