Cringe-Worthy and Embarrassing Wedding Stories That Will Make You Glad to Be Single

Fake Wedding


My brother-in-law’s wedding was a disappointing sham. Everyone on our side of the family had to drive three hours to the bride’s hometown so her whole family could attend the wedding. When we get there, the bride and her mother-in-law are cooking the reception meal because the mother of the bride decided last minute that she didn’t want to.

The ceremony starts, and absolutely no one from the bride’s family is there. The reception has no alcohol, no music whatsoever, we had to watch a 20-30 minute belly dancing performance because one of her friends was a belly dancing instructor.

My boyfriend and I were the only guests out of about thirty that had brought them a gift–literally, there was a gift table with no envelopes or gifts at all on it. The brides mother left the reception early “because the thrift store was closing soon.” By the time the reception ended my boyfriend and I ended up helping the bride and groom clean the reception hall because everyone else left.

The real kicker is that we later found out that it was just a ceremony, no real marriage because the bride wanted to stay married to a previous husband for financial reasons. This wedding was just a sham to convince her family that she had finally settled down with a good guy. So we drove three hours to attend a fake wedding.

Story credit: Reddit / Birdie1357

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