Cringe-Worthy and Embarrassing Wedding Stories That Will Make You Glad to Be Single

Come Here Often?


Hubby and I went to his ex-wife’s latest wedding at the request of their kids. This was her 4th or 5th wedding with her grown children in attendance. Floor-length white Cinderella wedding dress with everybody in tuxes. From a woman who lived off disability, welfare, and child support.

Groom’s sister realized bride had been married in this same church before, as she walked through the lobby shortly before the wedding asked, “Come here often?” I nearly wet myself laughing.

Photographer wasn’t pleased about something so my hubby & I ended up in a lot of photos (who doesn’t want their ex husband in their wedding pics?)

We made sure she changed her name and the kids were happy; I think the bride & groom ended up cleaning up the rented reception hall themselves because his family was not cooperating. We came home grateful that we’d just run down to the courthouse for ours.

Story credit: Reddit / Lybychick

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