Cringe-Worthy and Embarrassing Wedding Stories That Will Make You Glad to Be Single

No One Paid Attention

YouTube / Happy Dayz Productions

I went to a church wedding in Korea. I had been to other Korean weddings and knew that most people just show up to drop off their gift (money) and then hit the buffet and attending the actual wedding ceremony isn’t really required/expected for most guests.

What surprised me about this one was sitting in the church for the actual ceremony and how nobody who even came in was paying attention. Everyone was on their iPads or smartphones. I saw lots of people just playing Angry Birds (this was 3 years ago) and a few just full on having phone conversations during the ceremony. Just blew my mind. These weren’t children, these were middle aged adults. Why even go inside if you are just going to text message or play cellphone games.

Story credit: Reddit / Joe434

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