Cringe-Worthy and Embarrassing Wedding Stories That Will Make You Glad to Be Single

Head Chef


Fancy wedding at an award-winning restaurant, groom was head chef. Maybe 100 or so guests. Stoked to eat some great food.

We show up, realize they had the wedding itself on a boat an hour earlier with only a dozen or so of the closest guests. Kinda weird walking in and seeing the bride in her dress just shmoozing with everyone but cool, whatever floats your boat.

Open bar! Everyone grabs their drinks and starts to get a bit tipsy. Food starts coming out. Everyone is lined up buffet style. Four of those hotel pans of food come out and are quickly emptied. The rest of the crowd (maybe 60-70 people) wait around in line for 10, 15, 20 minutes. Most sit back down or grab another drink.

Another half hour passes. People get more tipsy. Food still isn’t coming out. Bride, groom, and family seem completely unfazed. There was a cheese/meat board but everything was gone in the first 10 minutes except for a giant wheel of parmesan, which people started hacking at desperately with forks.

Flash forward two hours. Everyone is completely trashed and angry/confused. Still no food. We’re in a restaurant. The groom is a chef. What is happening.

We went to Taco Bell.

Six months later, the bride messages me on Facebook asking if my now husband and I would like them to cater our upcoming wedding. No thanks.

Story credit: Reddit / kerrrvin

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