Cringe-Worthy and Embarrassing Wedding Stories That Will Make You Glad to Be Single

At Least They’re Still Together


Went to a couple of dry weddings when I was first in college, both of which were for Christian couples that were my age who wanted to get married so they could finally sleep together.

Both were okay, but awkward. One was held in a reception hall that had an inexplicable amount of Wizard of Oz paraphernalia behind glass cases. The tables were too close together. It was hard watching the Maid of Honor give the speech since she was the bride’s unmarried older sister who had a child. She was trying not to cry the whole time.

For the other dry-Christian wedding, I snuck in booze and shared, but because the dinner line was hours-long, I ran out of drinks before the dancing. And the dancing was terrible. The worst choice of songs was topped off by playing “Kryptonite” as a dance song with lots of dorky white teenagers trying to dance to it. I still get an extra bump of cringe every time I hear that song.

For those curious, Kryptonite couple is divorced. Wizard of Oz couple is together to my knowledge.

Story credit: Reddit / youre13andstupid

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