Cringe-Worthy and Embarrassing Wedding Stories That Will Make You Glad to Be Single

Not Even the Cake Could Save the Day


The worst wedding I’ve been to was on a beach on a day where the wind decided it wanted to make a point that it was boss. Wind coming off the ocean tends to cut through clothing really easily and this was an outside wedding at night.

Ceremony starts, the microphone they are using is strait static and no one can hear a thing the groom say and it’s just loud ear piercing static. Once the finish and they are about to walk down the aisle to take pictures, the grooms brother run up there and grabs the mic and says wait everyone I have something to say.

Gives a 30 minute sermon about god’s will ( neither of these people getting married are religious). They go and take pictures, it takes two and a half hours. It starts to become night time and everyone is in dress clothes waiting for the pictures to finish up. Still no food and everyone is starving and freezing to death.

Then finally it was food time. Apparently the catering company drove all the food premade from hours away. It consisted of white rice, salad, mashed potatoes and the driest unsalted chicken you would get from El Pollo Loco. At least we would get cake. I was wrong.

They brought out little cheese cake bites that were cut in to little squares. I ate one and knew the gig was up. It was the tell tale sign of Sara Lee cheese cake. These caterers seriously charged these people to cater their wedding and went and got 8 dollar cheese cakes from the store and tried to pass it off. It was kind of crazy and I left I was too cold to be out there during that.

Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

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