Cringe-Worthy and Embarrassing Wedding Stories That Will Make You Glad to Be Single

We Never Talk About It


My brother’s wedding was a fiacso. My parents and I have helped him through a lot of trouble in his life – prison, addiction etc. He’s clean and clear now but I don’t think he’s ever understood what those years did to our family. And in typical white people fashion we never talk about it.

His wife was wedding CRAZY so it was all about her, which is fine except her family had all the front tables, we were stuck down the back behind his ‘rehab family’ – they had 3 hours of speeches where no one thanked or acknowledged my mum or dad. Who had given them $20k for the wedding.

We were then the last table to get to go to the buffet by which time nothing was left. Oh and of course there was no alcohol. My husband and I went through McDonalds on the way home.

It just showed me that people never change, he’s still an idiot. Now he’s just an idiot with a wife.

Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

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