Cringe-Worthy and Embarrassing Wedding Stories That Will Make You Glad to Be Single

It Just Kept Getting Worse


While in high school, a recently graduated friend got pregnant and “had” to get married. Both sets of parents were incensed that their good religious children had done it before marriage and both sets of parents were convinced that the other parents’ child was to blame. His parents thought the bride was “no better than a street walker”, her parents thought equally badly of the groom.

Then there were the cultural slurs thrown around – mostly by his family since they were white and the bride’s family was Hispanic. When the father of the groom asked if the bride’s family planned on serving “dirty rice, heh heh” at the reception . . .I thought the grandmother of the bride was going to body slam him out the door.

So we get to the day of the wedding and Bride’s six brothers spend of the day skulking around like they’ve got weapons hidden in their suits. The groom’s family continued to try to convince him that he should “at least wait until the bastard is born so you can find out if it’s yours or not” right up until he went to stand at the altar.

After a very quick ceremony, the whole crowd heads off to the reception being held in the rec room of an apartment complex. The bride and groom try to make the best of it – there was no dancing or even music (because of their religion) and the food was just snack type stuff. It was a whole room of unhappy family members sucking down red punch and bad attitudes.

Then comes the coup de grace – the groom’s sister (who was a good 15 years older than the groom) had volunteered to provide the wedding cake as she’d been making really fancy cakes for family birthdays for years. Bride was kind of excited about this since it was really the only gesture of welcome she got from groom’s family.

Sister took off right after the ceremony to go and pick up the cake and after an hour, had still not shown up. After another thirty minutes, the bride was ready to just break a chocolate cookie with the groom and be done with it when Sister arrives – carrying 3 store bought coconut cakes.

Correction – 3 of the smallest store bought cakes ever in existence AND they were obviously not fresh cakes (they had discount stickers on the boxes). Each cake said it served 6 people and there were over 70 people at the reception plus they were coconut – which the bride was allergic to.

The groom’s sister had obviously spent an hour or so driving around to different stores looking for the worst of all cakes for this wedding. (And she never even tried to explain why she did not make the cake herself as she had offered to do)

I don’t think the bride stopped crying for days and the groom just looked like he wanted to shoot his whole family.

Story credit: Reddit / jaimystery

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